
Does exercising while pregnant improve your baby’s health?

How exercising while pregnant helps both mother and child.

Written by Editor Medibank

According to the Medibank Better Health Index, only 1 in 2 Aussie women (49%) exercise regularly while pregnant. We all know that exercising is great for the health of expectant mothers, but what about the unborn child?

Here are some of the little-known ways that exercising while pregnant can boost your baby’s health.

Reducing your baby’s risk of type 2 diabetes

We know that regular exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, and this may play a role in reducing the risk that an expectant mother will develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy. If gestational diabetes is avoided, this will in turn reduce the likelihood of complications to your new-born child, so it’s definitely worth keeping your fitness levels up and weight down in the lead up to and during pregnancy.

Written by Editor Medibank

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